(727) 475-5252

Inspection Services


Unlock the full potential of your home purchase with our unrivaled home inspection service. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering a meticulous, comprehensive assessment that leaves no aspect of your future investment unexamined – from foundation to chimney cap. Our aim is simple yet paramount: Provide an impartial and holistic overview to empower buyers with the knowledge needed to make truly informed decisions.


Unlock the full potential of your home purchase with our unrivaled home inspection service. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering a meticulous, comprehensive assessment that leaves no aspect of your future investment unexamined – from foundation to chimney cap. Our aim is simple yet paramount: Provide an impartial and holistic overview to empower buyers with the knowledge needed to make truly informed decisions.


Prepare your property for a successful sale with a Pre-Listing Inspection. This strategic move allows you to identify and resolve any unforeseen issues, offering a transparent view to potential buyers. By proactively addressing concerns upfront, you'll create a smoother negotiation process and build buyer confidence through full disclosure of your property's condition.


As you approach the end of your '1-Year Builders Warranty,' don't overlook the chance for a comprehensive property inspection. Our thorough examination covers both anticipated and unexpected issues that might have emerged. Our detailed report highlighting necessary repairs becomes an essential document to provide the builder with before your warranty period ends. This proactive step ensures all concerns are addressed before the expiration, safeguarding your property and investment.


We haven't reached a stage where machines construct houses entirely, and quality concerns at construction sites can always jeopardize your investment. Engaging a skilled third-party inspector for a comprehensive examination guarantees that any necessary final quality repairs can be carried out, providing you with the assurance that your investment is secure.


Following an inspection, it's common practice to ask the seller or builder to resolve identified repairs. This isn't just about fixing issues; it's about upholding standards and ensuring that any shortcuts are addressed. This step plays a crucial role in guaranteeing that the property meets the expected quality and your standards.


When purchasing a home with an inground pool or spa, these features often stand out as key attractions. Our supplementary inspection focuses on a detailed assessment of the pool/spa structure, including the pump, plumbing, electrical components, deck, lanai, and fencing. We identify potential defects, damages, or safety hazards that might require significant repairs or pose risks of injury. This comprehensive process ensures you're fully informed about the condition of these amenities, protecting both your investment and the safety of those who will use them.


Our inspection of the irrigation system involves a detailed non-invasive visual assessment, backed by comprehensive photographic documentation and descriptive comments. Our objective is to confirm the fundamental functionality of the system by manually operating each zone through the timer. We evaluate the well or pump systems and their respective components to ensure efficient water supply to the irrigation system.This examination encompasses a careful review of the system's water source, assessment of the system timer's condition and placement, and scrutiny of visible condition of system pumps (if applicable). Additionally, we account for the number of zones, identify any missing or damaged sprinkler heads, and assess the visible condition of system components for any signs of damage.


Infrared thermography inspection is a non-invasive method that utilizes a thermal imaging camera to analyze temperature differences in building materials and mechanical systems. This technique, when executed under suitable conditions, is highly effective in identifying various issues, including moisture accumulation, pest infestation, electrical anomalies, and opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, among other concerns.


A 4-point inspection is an insurance-focused assessment commonly required for homes. It aims to evaluate the insurability of the property by focusing on four crucial systems: the roof, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical infrastructure. We furnish our report on the well-recognized Citizens form, widely accepted by insurance providers. Employing this template provides flexibility when shopping for insurance options in the market.This service is offered as both a core inspection and add-on service. If you're unsure about the necessity of this report for your purchase, we recommend seeking guidance from your real estate agent or insurance provider.


A wind mitigation inspection, designed for insurance needs, identifies the wind-resistant features in your home, potentially qualifying you for insurance discounts. Our detailed report, using the state-approved form, is widely accepted by insurance providers, granting you flexibility in choosing policies. If you're uncertain about its necessity for your purchase, consulting your real estate agent or insurance provider can provide clarity.


A roof certification, primarily used to assess a home's insurability, offers an expert evaluation of your roof's remaining lifespan. It factors in installation date, material type, and current condition. Identified issues typically need addressing before insurance companies approve a policy. It's important to note that this certification isn't a warranty but represents the professional opinion of a licensed expert. Commonly included in a standard 4 Point inspection, it's a vital step in gauging your roof's condition.


Ensuring clean indoor air is essential for a healthy home. While a standard home inspection can identify visible organic growth, non-visible areas like wall cavities can cultivate mold growth. Visual mold can be identified through direct sampling, but air sampling is the most effective non-destructive method to identify hidden mold growth. Samples are carefully collected and securely sent to our preferred partner, Inspector Lab, for analysis. The results are clear: concerning or not. Our commitment to accurate, thorough testing sets us apart from those who offer low initial prices but may compromise on quality. Your health and indoor air quality matter to us.


Seawall repairs often come with a hefty price tag. Our seawall inspection provides a comprehensive visual examination, complete with detailed photos and written comments. This encompasses concerns such as soil loss, tilting or leaning panels, concrete degradation or spalling, and visual issues with the seawall toe or riprap.


This inspection focuses on the dock and lifts, emphasizing their condition, safety, and functionality to preserve your investment's value. Our inspectors thoroughly examine various components, including pilings, piling caps, fenders, tie-down cleats, support collars, stringers, joists, connections, steps, ramps, handrails, ladders, water and electric services, control boxes, boathouses, canopies, motor covers, belts, chains, pulleys, and structural frame components, ensuring they meet the highest standards.


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Guard your home against silent threats! A Wood-Destroying Organism (WDO) Inspection goes beyond the surface, detecting termites, wood-destroying beetles, and fungi. Conducted by a licensed third-party expert, this inspection utilizes the standardized state form to ensure accuracy and detail when outlining any infestation or damage. Don't let them sneak in—protect your investment with this exclusive inspection.


For homes built in 1978 or earlier, the possibility of lead paint exists, and ensuring your family's safety is our priority. We collaborate with trusted professionals using cutting-edge XRF technology to conduct a comprehensive inspection of over 100 areas of the home. This method covers walls, ceilings, and trims both indoors and outdoors with pinpoint accuracy. The result is a computer-generated, detailed report that removes any uncertainty about the presence of lead-based paint.

In contrast, many contractors rely on $5 lead test kits from local stores, testing only a few spots in the home. These kits have faced criticism for accuracy and reliability from sources like WebMD and the Federal Government. Choosing accuracy and safety is crucial to safeguard your family's well-being.


This service provides a comprehensive assessment that examines various key factors, such as water hardness, pH levels, sulfur, iron, and bacterial presence, both before and after water treatment equipment. This dual-testing approach helps determine the effectiveness of the equipment.

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